Ad Details
Ad ID: 806
Added: 08/16/2019
Location: Australia
State: All states of Australia
City: Bundaberg
Views: 545
Fruit picking work available now in Bundy’s Best Backpackers.
BBB currently has vacancies for work and accommodation.
Various roles available including picking (piece rate), packing (hourly) and general harvest positions (hourly).
Please at least stay 3 weeks if you are doing the picking job
and at least 3 months if you are doing the hourly job
cherry tomato picking $5.35 per bucket
Zucchini picking $3.10~$3.35 per bucket
grape tomato picking $8.25 per bucket
big tomato picking $2.1 per bucket
squash picking $6 per bucket
bucket boy
paid by pieces
all new employee will start with piece work.
We also have
Glasshouse farm hand/ pick /pack
Sweet potato dig and pack/
Squash packing/
Zucchini pick and pack/
paid by hourly $23.66~$24.40
work 5-7 days a week.
second visa and day sign off
Rent : $160 per week/per person(4 people room)
$200 per week /per person (2 people room own shower and toilet)
(Rent fee not including transportation fee to job site)
Must : pay $230 deposit (can be returned after 2 weeks notice and no damage.)
Must : Give at least 2 weeks notice before leave.
To make an enquiry or booking please text your 16 information to
0434 256 855 or line ID bundybest01
And then we will send you further information.
Your message will be read only if you offer the 16 information which are listed below:
1. Nationality/Name/Age/Gender/date of birth:
2. Visa type and visa expired date:
3. Australia Contact number:
4. Own car / How many seats?
5. Job experience in Australia & How long?
6. Arriving date:
7. How long can you work:
8. Do you need 2nd year visa?
9. English level:
11. E-mail address:
12. Weight/Height :
13. Smoker or Non-smoker :
14. Do you have driver license (Yes/No):
15. What languages can you speak ? :
16. Do you have forklift license or other skill?
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